Baby Toys

does my mother baby my 10 year old brother?

ok i have a brother and he’s 10 i hate him so much last time he slapped me in the face and i slapped him back and he told my mom and instead of yelling at him she yelled at me, also he still sleeps with her, when i turn the hall light off he cries to my mom and then i have to turn it back on because he can’t sleep w/o it, when he wants a toy he has a tantrum until he gets it, also he doesn’t spend the night at my cousins house because he doesn’t want to leave my mom and when i make fun of him my mom yells at me, he socks kicks pushes and slaps me but when i hit him i get in trouble he doesn’t even respect me! and he is 10! when i told my mom she babies him she exploded and told me to explain how and then i did and then i got grounded! OH he could go out w/his friend and I CAN’T! I’m just asking is she babying him?
ok i don’t hate him i was just mad!

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does my mother baby my 10 year old brother?unrateddestiny2010-08-12 21:53:32

ok i have a brother and he’s 10 i hate him so much last time he slapped me in the face and i slapped him back and he told my mom and instead of ye…

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8 replies on “does my mother baby my 10 year old brother?”

yes hey next time he tries to hit u just block it and keep blocking it until u get ur moms attention and she sees wat hes doing.if he says something to you just shoot him a look and don’t say anything so he wont have a reason to talk back.

First of all, never say you hate your brother. Once you say something you can’t take it back. Your mother was right in yelling at you for slapping your brother, you’re older and should be setting the example, but she should disciplined your brother as well.I think your mother just doesn’t want to put worth the effort it takes in teaching your brother how a 10 year old should behave, and possibly because she doesn’t want him to anything but her little boy. Your mother is only hurting him mentally in the long run. She really needs to watch SUPER NANNY! She was in the wrong for grounding you. You should never discipline your children for trying to voice their opinion. All in all, yes she is babying him.

10 years old… sleeps with his mom, throws tantrums still, mama’s boy.. Let me see how I can say this delicately… HECK YES SHE’S BABYING HIM!
How is your mom incapable of seeing that? She needs to cut the cord before this poor kid is ruined for life. I can’t imagine how his peers are treating him. She’s putting him in a very difficult spot. People are not going to baby him later and if he thinks they are, it’s going to lead to trouble. That’s pathetic. Have her take a look at the answers page after a few responses.
Btw… defensive much? Maybe she’s just afraid that this is her last kid and therefore doesn’t want him to grow up…

Yes, your mom is. Try writing your mom a letter to explain how you feel and explain her unfair treatment. Does your mom ever see him hit you? If he looks like he is going to hit you, go somewhere where your mom can see both of you. Keep calm and try to block your brother’s punches and get your mom’s attention. Another plan is the silent treatment. Within hearing range of your mom, talk to him if he asks a question. Otherwise don’t.

yes but that is her baby brother. but i dont think that is right. talk to her calmly sit her down nicely

Ok, I am in the same situation as you (well besides the turning off the light and staying with someone else for the night) but other then that, NO difference whatsoever!!.. Ohh well besides the fact my brother is 12!! Yes, 12!!!!
A few days ago my mom, my brother and me were in the car, as i got out, my brother hit me sly-ly. I hit back, I was grounded. Need I say more?
A couple of hours later, we were in a store and my mom was busy choosing some items. I walked passed my brother, saying ‘smelly:)’ he hit me. I gave out. I’ve a big bruise and also threatened to be grounded.

I confided in my mom’s partner of nearly seven years now (to whom I am very close to). He told me that boys mature three years later than their actual age (in your case, he has the maturity of a 7year old).
Also, since my brother is the youngest, in my opinion, my mom tries to hold onto his youth, as it symbolises the time when she was young and starting a family.
I also think that my age (young teen) influences this. As my mood swings are like a roller coaster in Disney World, my mother probably finds it easier and simpler to handle him.

What I do is;
If your mom asks you to do some chores, Do Them!! It gets you off her back!
Also, if you’re brother acts up (hits you, etc), don’t react by hitting him back or whatever, tell your mom straight away. This shows your brother and your mom that you are tired of him and that you are not tolerating this behaviour anymore.

Hope I helped:)

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