Preschool Learning Resources

The Benefits of Wooden Puzzles for Children

Doing puzzles is an important part of a child’s development but its benefits are often overlooked. We’d like to talk more about these benefits to help you to choose the right puzzle for your child or relative.
Wooden puzzles are an up-to-date version of a traditional toy, and are designed with #education in mind. […]

Preschool Learning Resources

The Development of Old Age and Related Issues

In traditional Chinese and other Asian cultures the aged were highly respected and cared for. The Igabo tribesmen of Eastern Nigeria value dependency in their aged and involve them in care of children and the administration of tribal affairs (Shelton, A. in Kalish R. Uni Michigan 1969).
In Eskimo culture the grandmother was pushed […]

Preschool Learning Resources

Setting The Tone For A Positive Learning Environment

Every teacher has a responsibility to provide a healthy #learning environment for his or her students. Over the years, volumes of research have been conducted to help teachers determine what works best for the students. There is a wealth of methods and techniques that, through research, have been proven to improve the quality […]

Preschool Learning Resources

The Development of Old Age and Related Issues

In traditional Chinese and other Asian cultures the aged were highly respected and cared for. The Igabo tribesmen of Eastern Nigeria value dependency in their aged and involve them in care of children and the administration of tribal affairs (Shelton, A. in Kalish R. Uni Michigan 1969).
In Eskimo culture the grandmother was pushed […]

Preschool Learning Resources

Review of the Best Online Professional Development for Educators and Teachers

Professional Development for Educators
Professional development is an essential way for teachers to refine their strategies, methods, and understanding of their work. In order to provide educators with the tools they need, a market in professional development (also known simply as “PD”) has developed around online and offline tools built for teacher training.
This list […]