Educational Toys for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Grasshopper Preschool Prep Kit: Getting Our Hands Ready

What is great about this item:
It has an average rating of out of 5 stars!

100% FUN
No pencils or workbooks
All hands on fun
10 games
instructional guidebook

Product DescriptionThe Grasshopper Preschool Prep Kit: Getting Our Hands Ready is Kit 3 of the Grasshopper Preschool Prep Kit series. The kit is packed with playful games and an illustrated guidebook […]

Baby Toys

i have a 10 month old baby girl. she has 4 teth already 2 on top and 2 on bottom. she is getting her eye teeth

in now and has started biting. I think that it is jus because her teeth hurt but she is doing it at school and home. I give her chewey toys and she dont want them. How can i teach her not to bite, so that she isnt doing it later like 2 or 3 years […]

Educational Toys for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Getting the Main Idea

What is great about this item:
It has an average rating of 1.0 out of 5 stars!

Part of the Reading for Comprehension Series
Focuses on one specific skill at a time
Each set includes 50 cards, 10 cards for each reading level, 2-6
Self-directing and self-correcting
Emphasizes Getting the Main Idea

Product DescriptionThese all-time favorite kits focus on one specific skill […]

Preschool Learning System Reviews


What is great about this item:
It has an average rating of out of 5 stars!

Your source for Educational Products.
To Quality Children’s Item.
Dependable Rich Resource for Classroom or home.
Satisfaction Ensured.

Product DescriptionFeatures a variety of motivating activities within each skill-packed book, including short answer, multiple choice, cloze, and other testing formats. Delightful stories and charming illustrations […]

Baby Toys

Mother in law keeps getting baby used toys?

My mother in law keeps giving my son hand me down toys from her other grandchildren OR toys from yard sales. I worked really hard in my life and planned everything out financially. This is my first child and I want him to have the best of everything. When she gets him […]